


首先需要看一下 RegExp.prototype.exec() 这个正则对象上的方法。

如果你和我一样对 exec 执行结果中的 groups 对象为啥总是 undefined 感到疑问, 具体查看 MDN 上 RegExp.prototype.exec() 返回结果中 groups 字段的解释:

A null-prototype object of named capturing groups, whose keys are the names, and values are the capturing groups, or undefined if no named capturing groups were defined. See capturing groups for more information.

可以看到这个这里面只包含了 named capturing groups,也就是命名捕获型分组,而不是普通的捕获型分组。

冷知识:命名捕获型分组是 ES2018 引入的,所以在 ES2018 之前的版本中,groups 字段是 undefined 的。

以这个正则表达式为例 /(?<title>\w+), yes \k<title>/ 点击跳转 regex101 , 可以看到 title 就是一个 named caputuring group。 而 \k<title> 则是一个 backreference

1. 普通的捕获型正则

标题部分 1. 普通的捕获型正则


普通的捕获型正则 console


普通的捕获型正则 regex101

2. 正向肯定预检查 Postive Lookahead

标题部分 2. 正向肯定预检查 Postive Lookahead


Positive Lookahead console


Positive Lookahead regex101

3. 反向肯定预检查 Positive Lookbehind

标题部分 3. 反向肯定预检查 Positive Lookbehind


Positive Lookbehind console


Positive Lookbehind regex101

4. 正向否定预检查 Negative Lookahead

标题部分 4. 正向否定预检查 Negative Lookahead


Negative Lookahead console


Negative Lookahead regex101

5. 反向否定预检查 Negative Lookbehind

标题部分 5. 反向否定预检查 Negative Lookbehind


Negative Lookbehind console


Negative Lookbehind regex101

其中 ? 表示非捕获型匹配

以从左到右为正方向,lookahead 指的是 括号里面的正则匹配字符串 前方。lookbehind 则表示 括号里面的正则匹配字符串 后方,使用<来表示在后方。

Positive or Negative 分表表示 or 匹配括号里的正则。符号分别为 =!

由于都是 non-capturing-group(非捕获型分组),所以结果匹配到的字符串,都不会包括括号里面的,即上面的例子中的 windows

千位分隔符 Look Ahead Positive Assert {#example2}

标题部分 千位分隔符 Look Ahead Positive Assert {#example2}
"12345678.32423432".replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+\.)/g, "$1,");


Negative Lookbehind regex101


export function toThousands(num) {
  return num.toString().replace(/\d+/, (n) => {
    return n.replace(/\B(?=((\d{3})+\b))/g, ",");

// 输出为 '12,345.489101'

Copilot 做如下解释:

Here’s a breakdown of how it works:

  1. num.toString(): This converts the input number to a string. This is necessary because the replace method is a string method and doesn’t work directly on numbers.

  2. .replace(/\d+/, (n) => {...}): This uses a regular expression to match one or more digits in the string. For each match, it calls a function that takes the matched string n as an argument and returns a new string.

  3. Inside the function, n.replace(/\B(?=((\d{3})+\b))/g, ",") is used to add commas in the appropriate places.

    • \B matches a position where the previous and next character are either both words or both non-words. This ensures we’re not at the beginning of the string.
    • (?=((\d{3})+\b)) is a positive lookahead that matches a group ahead in the string without including it in the result. It looks for one or more groups of three digits (\d{3}) that are not followed by a word boundary (\b). This effectively matches every group of three digits that are at the end of a larger group of digits.
    • /g is the global flag for the regular expression, which means the replacement will happen for all matches in the string, not just the first one.
    • "," is the replacement string, which will replace each match of the regular expression (i.e., each place where a comma should go).

So, if you call add_comma_every_thousand(1234567), the function will return the string "1,234,567". This function can be useful in a variety of applications where you need to display large numbers in a more readable format.


标题部分 关于正向/反向更典型的举例
"hello world".replace(/(?=hello)/g, ",");
// 输出为 ',hello world'

"hello world".replace(/(?<=hello)/g, ",");
// 输出为 'hello, world'

可以看到,(?=hello) 表示匹配 hello 前面的位置,而 (?<=hello) 表示匹配 hello 后面的位置,然后被 , 替换。

  1. https://segmentfault.com/q/1010000004651380

  2. PCRE 表达式全集

  3. Regex101 目前为止遇到最强的解释正则工具网站,其他的还有 RegExr