this in JavaScript's function


一般情况 {#usual-case}

标题部分 一般情况 {#usual-case}

最近在看 GitHub 上的一本书,You-Dont-Know-JS ,这本书讲解的this非常清楚:要理解this的指向,首先得知道call-site这个概念:

To understand this binding, we have to understand the call-site: the location in code where a function is called (not where it’s declared).


  1. Is the function called with new (new binding)? If so, this is the newly constructed object.var bar = new foo()
  2. Is the function called with call or apply (explicit binding), even hidden inside a bind hard binding? If so, this is the explicitly specified object. var bar = obj2 )
  3. Is the function called with a context (implicit binding), otherwise known as an owning or containing object? If so, this is that context object. var bar =
  4. Otherwise, default the this (default binding). If in strict mode, pick undefined, otherwise pick the global object. var bar = foo()

Lexical this {#lexical-this}

标题部分 Lexical this {#lexical-this}

一般情况以上四条规则就可以cover 了,但是ES6 新加的箭头函数就不是这样。它的this用lexical this概括再好不过了。Lexical 这个词,在讲作用域时提到了JS 是Lexical Scope ,lexical 强调的是声明时,author-time,反正我是这么理解的。所以,箭头函数中的this就只与定义它时的父级上下文相关,而且无法用bind、call、apply 改变。 看下面三个例子,就很清楚了:

function foo() {
  setTimeout(() => {
    // `this` here is lexically adopted from `foo()`
    console.log( this.a )
var obj = {
  a: 2
} obj ) // 2 将 foo 中的 `this` 绑定到了 obj 上,对应情形 2
function foo() {
  var self = this // lexical capture of `this`
  setTimeout( function(){
    console.log( self.a )
  }, 100 )
var obj = {
  a: 2
} // 2 注意这里不是箭头函数
function foo() {
  // return an arrow function
  return () => {
var obj1 = {
  a: 2
var obj2 = {
  a: 3
var bar = // 2 not 3! 这证明了箭头函数中的 `this` 无法通过 bind 来改变。